I’m Chloë, a communications specialist turned mental health activist. I’ve been in eating disorder recovery for 15+ years — and know I’m not the only one with food and body image issues. That’s why I started my eating disorder recovery blog.
Armed with the power of responsible storytelling, I’m on a mission to create community for people in eating disorder recovery and to better educate the general public on this life-threatening mental illness. Will you join me?
Latest blog posts
Can journaling be life-transforming? Maybe. Can it improve your mental health? Most likely. Are there endless misconceptions and myths about journaling? Definitely. Besides eating…
Celebrating 2 years of eating disorder recovery blogging
I can’t believe it’s been two years since I started my eating disorder recovery blog! It’s surreal to think of how far I’ve come…
Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Enough is Enough
For people with eating disorders, awareness events like February’s Eating Disorders Awareness Week (EDAW) can bring up mixed feelings. On one hand, we’re glad…
In the news

For general inquiries or questions, please fill out the contact form and I’ll be in touch. You can also find me on social media at @ChloSheGrows.